
No Security Feature Is 100% Foolproof – Here’s Why It Matters

Every now and again, the research I do for my work leads me to a post discussing the many pitfalls of modern home security systems. In most cases, post authors are simply trying to point out the facts. But there are that small number that go one step further, more or less telling their readers that home security systems are not worth investing in.


Here is the deal: no security feature is 100% foolproof. There is no single strategy capable of guaranteeing that a person will never fall victim to crime. It is the reality of living in an imperfect world.


Even the best security strategies and equipment are eventually overcome by a criminal element that is always looking for new ways to do what it does. To assert that not investing in home security somehow decreases one’s vulnerabilities to crime just does not make sense.


Mechanical Security Fails


Without an electronic home security system, property owners are left to rely on mechanical safety features. These features include things like gate systems and heavy-duty deadbolt locks. Both types of devices can be breached quickly by someone who knows what he is doing.


Do not misunderstand. I am a huge supporter of the traditional deadbolt lock. In my opinion, a deadbolt is far superior to a less sturdy handle lock. But deadbolts can be picked. And if a burglar knows what he is doing, he can breach a deadbolt with a stiff kick to the right location. It is quick and easy.


Any criminal with enough determination and the right body of knowledge can breach any mechanical security device put in his way. Does that mean that gate systems and deadbolt locks are not worth investing in? Does that mean we should all go back to protecting your homes with nothing but simple handle locks? Absolutely not.


Electronic Security Fails


We already know that electronic security systems can fail. We know that video surveillance cameras can be hacked. Communication lines can be cut, rendering a home security system useless. The list of ways around electronic security is pretty extensive. But does that mean electronic security, as a whole, is no good? No.


One of the most common criticisms of electronic home security I see during my daily research is that wireless cameras can be hacked. It doesn’t take much for a skilled hacker to gain control of a homeowner’s cameras. But at least some of the blame can usually be laid at the feet of homeowners who do not use their cameras properly. Likewise for homeowners who never change factory default usernames and passwords on their connected devices.


I agree with the fact that manufactures can and should do a better job of making their devices more secure. But I also believe consumers have to do their part as well.


A Multi-Layered Approach


As far as electronic home security is concerned, one of the brands I am very familiar with is Vivint Home Security. As much as I trust their devices and software, I would never put all of my trust in a Vivint system alone. I believe in a multi-layered approach that utilizes as many strategies and security features as possible.


The purpose behind electronic home security is to add another layer of prevention. The more difficult I can make it for criminals to do what they do, the greater my chances of being left alone. For me, that is what it’s all about. Electronic home security is not 100% foolproof. No security strategy or feature is. But combined, multiple layers of defense are what keeps criminals away.

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